Sunday 25 November 2012


This is a sketch I did inspired by reading Maus. I'm turning into a dog (a huskie, I figured if Americans where dogs, Canadians would be huskies) as I read the book, in a similar setting from the book (Volume 2, page 11). There's a poppy on my chest, symbolizing Canadians' memories from the war. Reading this book before Remembrance Day, heightened my sentiment this November 11th. 70 years ago, a man's hatred was so great, it threw the world into a war that could only be stopped with the atomic bomb. In High school, history was one of my favorite subjects. Canadians' accomplishments in World War 1 and 2 always filled me with pride and horror of lives lost. Two summers ago, I took a course on Modern Dictatorships, in which I did a study on Hitler's rise into power leading up to World War 2. Now North America are the invaders, fighting "terrorism" overseas, with Religious hatred being spewed from both sides. Just a few days ago, the Israel-Palestine conflict looked as if it might spill out into the world. I think now more than ever, we must be reminded of humanity mistakes of our past, and we should never forget what War brings us, especially when it's fueled by hatred towards those of different beliefs.

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